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Update: 16-09-19



The /stash command allows you to stash arbitrary text associated with a key that you can privately recall or publicly post to a channel at a later time.
Store links, reference info, commands and other text directly in Slack and shared with your team. Key-value pairs are shared with your Slack team by default, but you can also store text private to your user by prefixing the key with an underscore. Keys are case-sensitive.
Learn more
Some examples:
• /stash website Stashes a URL with the key "website".
• /stash _my-note Some text to remember. Stashes private text with the key "_my-note".
• /stash list Lists all of the keys that have been stashed.
• /stash website Recalls the value of the key as a private message to the user.
• /stash post website Posts the value of the key as a public message in the channel.
• /stash delete _my-note Deletes the key-value pair.


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