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Update: 21-09-16



We built this app to make quick decisions with your team. Don't know who should do what? Don't know where to go to lunch? Trying to decide who gets to pay for beers after work? Flip a coin by typing in /coinflip [heads or tails] to get an instant decision!
Can't decide if you should install? Flip a coin :)
Google can't even do that :P
Use Cases-
-Analytics team doesn't know if they should eat lunch with the customer support team or the communication team... They flip a coin!
-Jen is busy handling customer support but has an incoming call.. does she answer or nah? COINFLIP!
-We just got new office chairs and don't know who should get them... Marketing team or the HR Team? COINFLIP!
-There's only one corona left in the fridge... Mike and Sarah both want it.... COINFLIP!
Submit your own ways you use /Coinflip and we will feature you!


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